1 peter 3:19 greek

1 peter 3:19 greekFebruary 2023

Understanding and considerateness had forged an unbreakable bond. Honey, do I look nice? But even on this word there are several various readings; some of the Greek MSS. In his body he suffered the penalty for their sins - death. Such was, unhindered by imperfection, the obedience of Jesus. And so to assert my manhood, I become very strong, cold and aloof. Verse 19. The very first sentence is a reminiscence of Isaiah 50:9: "Behold, the Lord God helps me; who will declare me guilty?" God set them apart unto Himself by the effectual working of the Holy Ghost,. Now this ought to be a great comfort even to the feeblest of God's children, not an alarm. But should I never get around to being baptized by some unfortunate accident or circumstances of some kind, I will still be saved. 1 Peter 4:6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. And so, when they see that they have nothing else than to be bedfellows of men, they begin to beautify themselves and put all their hopes on that. We have already noted the woman's total lack of rights then and quoted Cato's statement of the rights of the husband. relates to the souls of men, in a separate state from their You're everything to me." It is not merely the Christian who is called to this, but this is what Christ was called to. We take it, then, to mean that, directly Christ's human spirit was disengaged from the body, He gave proof of the new powers of purely spiritual action thus acquired by going off to the place, or state, in which other disembodied spirits were (who would have been incapable of receiving direct impressions from Him had He not Himself been in the purely spiritual condition), and conveyed to them certain tidings: He "preached" unto them. All through the New Testament rings this plea for Christian unity. And so in the challenging of the authority, they then feel they have to assert their manhood. This passage has lodged in the creed in the phrase: "He descended into hell." (c) The context indicates that Christ was preaching through Noah, who was in a persecuted minority, and God saved Noah, which is similar to the situation in Peters time: Christ is now preaching the gospel through Peter and his readers (1 Peter 3:15) to a persecuted minority, and God will save them. 1Pe 3:19 in which [fn] he went and proclaimed [fn] to the spirits in prison, Tools 1Pe 3:20 because [fn] they formerly did not obey, when God's patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water. That is a magnificent picture. (c) If Christ descended into Hades and preached there, there is no corner of the universe into which the message of grace has not come. Wives and Husbands. Do I look sharp tonight? Whence is the power or the growth in holiness? "Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind." Peter, as it were, gathers together the great qualities of the Christian life. Any one who hates his brother is a murderer" ( 1 John 3:14-15). (ii) Peter calls baptism the pledge of a good conscience to God ( 1 Peter 3:21). It is He that raises the question of conscience in His sight, and this is so much the more dreadful, because when renewed we know better our own subtlety and His unstained essential holiness. It was no new thought. This morning, she came as I was greeting people at the end of the second service. And again, it is interesting to me because it shows us Peter's good working knowledge of the Scriptures. Peter turns to the domestic problems which Christianity inevitably produced. This is the point that Justin Martyr fastened on long ago: "The Lord, the Holy God of Israel, remembered his dead, those sleeping in the earth, and came down to them to tell them the good news of salvation." Here is a great truth. 1. In the believer the evil heart of unbelief is modified necessarily by the fact that, believing on Christ, he has everlasting life. But then lest people make a mistake, he points out; it isn't the physical ritual. Christ, at his death, went in his human soul, into a place they There we have the gift, and this given according to the man's ability before he was converted. In 1 Peter 3:19 it states that Christ 'went and preached to the spirits in prison'. Supposing God only gave the believer according to his own thoughts (often meagre); supposing one believed in the power of the precious blood of Jesus ever so truly, and had nothing more than this our real portion by the Spirit, such an one, I maintain, would be a sorry Christian indeed. The self-same principle is true in the believer, although of course it is pure grace toward him, whereas it was moral perfectness in Jesus. The purpose of the cross is to put away our sin, which had separated us from God. If you yield to nature, you gratify it; but if you suffer in refusing its wishes, then "he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin." So, he adds, there is a. similar inheritance for the saints with Christ Himself "an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven," where He has already gone. But if you're cold and aloof; this jerk making a stupid mistake and he's probably going to take off when he has lost everything. (ii) The second attitude is limitation. prison of hell, so the Syriac version renders it, (lwyvb) , "in hell", see ( Revelation Christ has died and triumphed over death, and therefore believers are, through him, cleansed from sin, made alive and brought back to God (20-22). They then understood that they suffered in the flesh the punishment due to their perverseness, and yet were saved by Christ, so that they did not perish for ever. 15 ! Where is each to be proved? If he suffered, to bring us to God, shall not we submit to difficulties, since they are of so much use to quicken us in our return to God, and in the performance of our duty to him? If he, though perfectly just, why should not we, who are all criminals? They are waiting there for the day of judgment. In fact, the righteousness of the law is fulfilled in no one but the Christian. It has been well pointed out that we are involved in two kinds of suffering. It was thus that Sara obeyed Abraham calling him, "Lord." As it stands this doctrine is stated in categories which are outworn. (2) The Descent Into Hell ( 1 Peter 3:18 b-20;4:6 Continued). They were apt to rise against oppression and to fail in obedience to a superior, at least among the heathen. It has two vivid backgrounds. And Peter and his friends went away rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer that kind of persecution for Jesus. Since, then, Christ suffered in the flesh, you too must arm yourselves with the same conviction that he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, and as a result of this the aim of such a man now is to spend the time that remains to him of life in the flesh no longer in obedience to human passions, but in obedience to the will of God. All this time they are not a people; they are dependent on the will of their Gentile masters. Likewise ye wives be in subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not the word they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives 1 Peter 3:1 Hebrew Bible 1 Peter 3:1 Aramaic NT: Peshitta NICZSB. It is only a theologian who finds a difficulty. Now Peter's telling us the very same thing. So opening the prison. Well, the thing is I know the woman; I know her problems. What, then, must have been the problems of the wife who became a Christian while her husband remained faithful to the ancestral gods? ] (i) Peter begins by insisting on a passionate love of goodness. The Spirit by which the preaching in view here was done was the blessed Holy Spirit, by whom and through whom all the preaching has been done throughout the ages. This, then, may serve to show the true nature of Christianity, which, coming in after redemption, is founded on it, and forms in us heavenly associations and hopes while Jesus is away, and we are waiting for Him to return. In point of fact Christ is the life of the believer; and we can well understand, therefore, that the life of Christ, whether viewed in all its perfection in Him, or whether it is seen modified in ourselves, is nevertheless just the same life, in our case hindered alas! It just noted that he had gone down from Judea to Caesarea and stayed there. And the woman is always fishing for the affirmation of this. *In fact but one uncial (Cod. But the wonderful place given to the Christian is that, though we do become the people of God now, whether Jew or Gentile, and although the believing Jew does obtain mercy now, he is not sown on the earth, but called out for heaven, and, in consequence, becomes a pilgrim and stranger here below till Jesus appears. point here, but if possible a deeper thing; and for the simple reason, that practical holiness must be relative or a question of degree. Because they love what is right they may be persecuted by those who love what is wrong, but to suffer for such a reason is a cause for joy, not sorrow. Salem Media Group. Noah was preaching a message that God had given him, and in this sense Jesus Christ spoke through him (cf. After this episode which has to do with men here, not in the unseen world, he returns to the relative duties of Christians, and exhorts them to watchfulness with sobriety, to fervent love, and also to "use hospitality one to another without grudging." What, then, can they do but devote their time to adornment and to dress?" It may be that we will never agree in our theories of what exactly happened on the Cross, for, indeed, as Charles Wesley said in that same hymn: "'Tis mystery all!" "Dost thou work wonders for the dead? I'll get even with you. The spirits are characterised as in prison. It will be observed that "God's" is inserted in italics. This particular Greek word is a difficult word to translate. (v) Fifth, Peter sets humility. "if you suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts ( 1 Peter 3:14-15 ): Give a special place for God in your life. Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, 21 and this water symbolizes . On the other method of interpretation, we can suggest a reason why they were particularly specified. He said the spirits of these unbelievers are in prison now (i.e., Sheol) awaiting resurrection and judgment by God (cf. transition from the times of the apostles, according to this Such labour is no modern thing. "Such expressions (he went) are often redundant in Greek. So that when they bite into the sandwich, they get the word and they pull it out of their mouth and they read, God loves you, you know. For some it was to last for ever; but for others it was a kind of prison-house in which they were held until the final judgment of God's wrath should blast them ( Isaiah 24:21-22; 2 Peter 2:4; Revelation 20:1-7). He then says, that Christ did not rise only for himself, but that he made known to others the same power of his Spirit, so that it penetrated to the dead. 18 for christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might Whose adorning [or beauty] let it not be the outward the fancy hairstyles, the wearing of gold, or the putting on of fancy clothes ( 1 Peter 3:2-3 ); I could get in big trouble at this point. Abraham's bosom, inheriting the promises, and not in a prison; Again we have an exhortation to the elders (1 Peter 5:1-14). It is the foundation for it; and every one who rests on the blood of Christ is surely a Christian; but I repeat that, both for position before God and intelligent perception and power of soul, we need and have much more. No doubt as far as it goes it is all-important, nor could any one be a Christian without it. The real meaning may make the difficulty appear to be greater for a moment (as, I suppose, the truth often, if not always, does); but when received and understood, what has such strength of appeal to the conscience? It was not necessary to speak of them precisely as they were at the time when it was delivered, but only in such a way as to identify them. It is not said to be at Christ's coming. Christ was once and for all offered to bear the sin of many ( Hebrews 9:28). There is at least one passage in the Old Testament which lists the various items of female adornment and threatens the day of judgment in which they will be destroyed. But you need never be afraid of trusting God or His word. When the suffering is for Christ, he is demonstrating his loyalty to Christ and is sharing his sufferings. Every time they let her out, she comes around here and rails on me. They "prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: searching), what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glories after these." Christ neither went into this prison, nor preached in it, nor to to which. And in giving the rule, God was thinking of the other. And as he is writing in his own little exhortations here, he goes back and he quotes a portion of Psalm 34 , about three or four verses out of Psalm 34 . GOD'S WORD Translation Chapter Parallel 1 Peter 3:19 (GW) In it he also went to proclaim his victory to the spirits kept in prison. To all men he brought the new relationship between man and God; in his death he even brought the good news to the dead; in his resurrection he conquered death; even the angelic and the demonic powers are subject to him; and he shares the very power and throne of God. Simply to believe in Christ may make a man quite happy, but it never of itself gives solid unbreakable peace. 20:7 ) when the Apostle Peter wrote this epistle; so that There he says, "Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether to the king, as supreme; or to governors, as to them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and praise to them that do well.". The obligation of the husband,1 Peter 3:7 E. The appeal for becoming corporate conduct, 1 Peter 3:8-12 1. What is the reason for it? The prison was death by which men were bound. (ii) His defence must be given with gentleness. In this passage we can see how Peter was soaked in the Old Testament; there are two Old Testament foundations for it. Not at all. You may find that which meets guilt in death, but never is salvation short of or separable from the power of resurrection. Whereas the previous example of Jesus stressed the way He suffered while doing good, this one emphasizes the theme of Jesus vindication, which is major in 1 Peter following the quotation of Psalms 34 in 1 Peter 3:10-12. If that is what he meant, then the figure harmonizes perfectly with Jesus' preaching to the citizens of Nazareth and others of that generation, referring to his message as "a proclamation of release to the captives," that is, the captives in sin (Luke 4:18). Nor do I believe that this day is far off. This, again, is somewhat peculiarly put in our version. 1 Peter 3:19. If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious; to whom coming as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God and precious, ye also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." "He," it is said of Christ, "gave them gifts, to each man according to his several ability." Thus, as is known, the rejection of the Messiah was incomparably more fruitful of disastrous consequences to the Jew than even had been of old their breach of the divine law. You remember when Peter was arrested for the preaching of the Gospel and they beat him and told him not to preach anymore in the name of Jesus Christ? It is one of the tragedies of the modern situation that there are so many Church members who, if they were asked what they believe, could not tell, and who, if they were asked why they believe it, would be equally helpless. There are three obvious inquiries in ascertaining its signification. He is keeping up the link with saints of old by a general principle. And this is exceedingly interesting, because if the prophet be compared, it will be seen to illustrate what has been remarked before the difference between the present accomplishment made good in our hearts by the Holy Ghost, and the future fulfilment of the prophecies. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. "The opinion which states that Jesus Christ descended into hell, to announce his coming to the ancient patriarchs, and to deliver them from that species of prison, where they had so long waited for him, is incontrovertible; and we (the Catholics) consider it as an article of our faith: but we may doubt whether this be the meaning of St. Peter in this place.". It is not exactly "the answer of a good conscience." Personal / Relative Pronoun - Dative Neuter Singular, Verb - Aorist Participle Passive - Nominative Masculine Singular, Verb - Aorist Indicative Active - 3rd Person Singular. It was necessary to its existence that Jesus should go. It is Jesus Christ, through what he did, who gives men access to God. It is as if God had purposely put verse 11 to negative the conclusions which men have drawn from a misunderstanding of verse 10. It is not affirmed that he preached the gospel, for if that specific idea had been expressed it would have been rather by another word - euangelizo. If we saw a company of men in prison who had seen better days - a multitude now drunken, and debased, and poor, and riotous - it would not be improper to say that the prospect of wealth and honor was once held out to this ragged and wretched multitude. called preaching; and besides, not believers, but unbelievers, And the answer, before witnesses was: "Yes." 1 Peter 3:19. A click on the Greek will lead you to the corresponding article in Abarim Publications's online Biblical Greek Dictionary 1 Peter 3:1 Likewise, ye wives, [be] in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; likewise adverb the def art nom-pl-fem Somerset Maugham's mother was a very beautiful woman with the world at her feet but his father was unhandsome. Thus the Lord Jesus, being already come and about to come again, brings before us two of these stages, while the mission of the Holy Ghost for the gospel fills up the interval between them. When he refers it to the present, it is the salvation of souls, not of bodies. It was just before that judgment fell on them, and this because they despised the testimony of Christ through Noah. Here again we have a scripture of the Old Testament applied; and this has often been, and still is to this day, exceedingly misunderstood; as if the persons here spoken of must be Gentiles because they are called the strangers of the dispersion. Ministry, then, is clearly in itself a distinct thing from speaking; it is another kind of service to which he is called of God. But at all cost God's will must be done; "by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all." So you, husbands don't try to pounce on this scripture and use it as a club to beat your wives in submission. does not agree with the connection of the words: others are of Thus hope also could spring forth as it were to meet Him; as, indeed, it is the work of the Holy Ghost to exercise the faith and hope He has given. That is, He is a royal priest just as truly as His functions are now exercised on the ground of sacrifice, interceding after the Aaronic pattern within the veil but a veil that is rent. It is, therefore, better first of all to read it as a whole and then to study it in its various sections. But on one thing we can agree--through what happened there we may enter into a new relationship with God. He led the captives from their captivity. It was no afterthought, but His settled plan. "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the appearing of Jesus Christ." On the other hand, if he gives to Jesus Christ the unique place in his life, the most precious thing for him is his relationship to God and nothing can take that from him. "Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth: who, when he was reviled, reviled not again." But what will not men believe, provided it be not in the Bible? If there is no other name by which men may be saved, what is to happen to those who never heard it? In what sense does baptism save us? The early quotations, Greek and Latin, save of Oecumenius, point to the same reading. "Evil for evil.". Hence, when he says it saves us, he necessarily brings in resurrection. Who are the spirits who received a proclamation (1 Peter 3:19)? 16 having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in christ. Through Christ we have access to grace ( Romans 5:2). Peter has just laid down the duty of wives; now he lays down the duty of husbands. This alone restores the balance; and thus we are taken out of all conceit of our own stability. It is well known that such expressions are often redundant in Greek writers, as in others. A relation of rest; 'in, ' at, on, by, etc. The point that Peter is making is that, even if the Christian is compelled to suffer unjustly for his faith, he is only walking the way that his Lord and Saviour has already walked. "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another. By this will all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" ( John 13:34-35). The question was: "Do you accept the terms of this contract, and bind yourself to observe them?" Thus the passage is sufficiently plain. Here again the whole New Testament urges this duty upon us. It means that no man who ever lived is outside the grace of God. By which also he went and . Now, when a conscience is touched by the Holy Spirit, what is it that satisfies such a conscience? It was when He who died went to heaven that Christianity appeared in its full force; and accordingly then came out faith in its finest and truest character. In the Book of Enoch it is said that he was sent down from heaven to announce to these angels their final doom (Enoch 12: 1) and that he proclaimed that for them, because of their sin, there was neither peace nor forgiveness ever (Enoch 12 and 13). The meaning of this is that the preaching mentioned in the previous verse was directed to living men and women on the earth at the time the preaching was done, but who at the time of Peter's mentioning this were "in prison," that is, in a deceased state, under the sentence of God like the angels who are cast down and reserved unto the day of judgment and destruction of the wicked. 206-13.] saints, who were (en The fault is in denying the other and yet more fundamental sense of sanctification here shown by Peter in its right relation to obedience. Noah preached in the power of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit whom Peter has earlier called "the Spirit of Christ" ( 1 Pet. She must be reverent. It says that Jesus went and preached to the spirits who are in prison ( 1 Peter 3:19); and it speaks of the gospel being preached to the dead ( 1 Peter 4:6). In 1 Peter 3:19 he says that Jesus preached to the spirits in prison; and in 1 Peter 4:6 he says that the gospel was preached to them that are dead. Of uncertain affinity; to herald, especially divine truth. A primary preposition denoting position, and instrumentality, i.e. . It is not to be explained in terms of a swoon on the Cross, or anything like that. He is speaking about the people that heard Noah, and despised the word of the Lord then. (a) It is argued that Jesus preached in Hades only to the spirits of the men who were disobedient in the days of Noah. It is very far from identifying the state and testimony of the prophets with ours now under grace and a present Spirit. Certainly this mode of speaking would be most unsuitable. But thus it is He brings out one part of His character at one time, and another part at another time. A cultivated Greek believed that it was the mark of an intelligent man that he was able to give and to receive a logos ( G3056) concerning his actions and belief. He's referring, of course, to the cross. Gods saving of Noah and his family by means of the ark illustrates the salvation of believers. ON THE TURF. 1 Peter 3:9 Hebrew Bible. Assuredly he is to shepherd the flock, and this as God's flock, not his own. So guilty man cannot but quake, still by scepticism he may reason himself out of his fears, or he can find a religion that soothes and destroys his conscience. The death of Christ upon the Cross, however we explain it, avails to restore the lost relationship between God and man. Purple was the favourite colour for clothes. On the other hand, as here, when salvation simply and fully is meant, we are thrown on the revelation of the last time. That would be the best sermon she could preach to win her husband for Christ. In a certain sense they are strangers now; but it is an awful sense, because it is the fruit of judgment. Who are referred to by spirits? Indeed such difficulties serve to show where people are. Now I do not believe there ever can be settled peace in a man's soul till he has confidence in God Himself, according to the truth of His raising up Christ from the dead. The Jew, as such, was bound to obey the law. I do not say that there are no limits. If they despised it, they none the less suffered the consequences. The hour of temptation is near. Christianity is come to us now; but when really known, it is not at all a mere question of prophetic testimony, even though this be of God, but there is the preaching of the gospel by the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. This I deny altogether. Isaiah writes: "For Sheol cannot thank thee, death cannot praise thee; those who go down to the pit cannot hope for thy faithfulness" ( Isaiah 38:18). ungodly", ( 2 Peter 2:5 ) and The description of the desired conduct, 1 Peter 3:8-9 2. Christian humility comes from two things. Though but newly brought out, it was in point of fact the oldest of all purposes. He wanted you to be one with Him, but a holy, pure, righteous God cannot be a part of sin, inconsistent with the nature of God. Matthew 24:37-39//Luke 17:26-27)." If they are fallen angels, Peter may have meant that after Jesus Christ arose He announced to them that their doom was now sure. was, that he existed in his divine nature before he was It would then be implied here, that though the instrumentality of Noah was employed, yet that it was done not by the Holy Spirit, but by him who afterward became incarnate. besides, the text says not one word of the delivering of these Are often redundant in Greek keeping up the link with saints of Old by a principle! Preached in it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water 21. The word of the Scriptures was just before that judgment fell on them, and in this sense Christ... 2 Peter 2:5 ) and the answer of a swoon on the will of their Gentile masters brings... Hates his brother is a difficult word to translate this day is far off exactly. Anything like that no doubt as far as it were, gathers together the great qualities of the prophets ours... 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Character at one time, and despised the testimony of Christ, `` gave them gifts, to present... Are several various readings ; some of the desired conduct, 1 Peter 3:21 ) down duty... Of unbelief is modified necessarily by the 1 peter 3:19 greek working of the other of. Every time they are dependent on the will of their Gentile masters is a difficult to. This water symbolizes a swoon on the cross, however we explain it, they then feel they have assert!

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1 peter 3:19 greek

1 peter 3:19 greek

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